Waybill Tracking


This document was designed for IT professionals as a technical document to communicate and understand the Waybill Tracking API

Json Post URL


Json Objects


Field Name Description Mandatory Field Length Data Type
email_address Aramex.com email address used for authentication Yes 300 string
password Aramex.com password used for authentication Yes 300 string
account_number Your Aramex account number Yes 100 string
waybill_number The waybill number you want the tracking events for Yes 30 string


Field Name Description Field Length Data Type
status_code The status code for the transaction submitted. The status code will state if the transaction was successful or if it failed 3 int
status_description The description associated with the status code 255 string
tracking_information The list of all the tracking events N/A List


Field Name Description Field Length Data Type
action_date The event date 20 string
tracking_code Unique code linked to the description 15 string
description The tracking description 255 string
location The location of the event 50 string
update_country The country of the tracking event 50 string
customer_description the description which is displayed to customers. Use this field as your primary reference for tracking 255 string

Json String Sample
