Postal Codes


This document was designed for IT professionals as a technical document to communicate and understand the Postal Code API

This service allows autocomplete on the suburb

Json Post URL

Json Objects


Field Name Description Mandatory Field Length Data Type
email_address email address used for authentication Yes 300 string
account_number Your Aramex account number Yes 100 string
country_code Can search by country code Yes 10 string
suburb The suburb for the country Yes 50 string
postal_code The postal code for the country. This service does not support postal codes which contain prefixes and suffexes. No 20 string


Field Name Description Field Length Data Type
status_code The status code for the transaction submitted. The status code will state if the transaction was successful or if it failed 3 int
status_description The description associated with the status code 255 string
postalCodes The list of all the postal codes N/A List


Field Name Description Field Length Data Type
country_code Country code 10 string
service_entity The service entity for the suburb 20 string
entity The entity that services the suburb 20 string
suburb_name The suburb name 50 string
city The city name 50 string
state_name The Province or city 50 string
postal_prefix The prefix if the country has prefixes 10 string
postal_code The postal code if the country has postal codes 10 string
postal_suffix This is included in the json response but will return empty string 10 string
location_code This is the location code for the suburb 10 string
mon if the suburb is serviced on a Monday 5 boolean
tue if the suburb is serviced on a Tuesday 5 boolean
wed if the suburb is serviced on a Wednesday 5 boolean
thu if the suburb is serviced on a Thursday 5 boolean
fri if the suburb is serviced on a Friday 5 boolean
sat if the suburb is serviced on a Saturday 5 boolean
sun if the suburb is serviced on a Sunday 5 boolean

Json String Sample
